The impact of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) on verbal expression and manual dexterity on patients that suffered an ischemic stroke.

Parente J1 ; Sanches L 2; Vila-Nova C 3; Lucena R 3.

  1. Faculda de Bahiana de Medicina. 2. União Metropolitana de Educação e Cultura (UNIME) 3. Universidade Federal da Bahia

INTRODUCTION: Verbal expression disorders and hemiplegia are frequently associated with cerebral disfunction. These disorders originate from frontal lobe alterations. In present times, there are many studies that investigate the effect of cerebral stimulation as a tool for neuromodulation capable of interfering in motor, visual and cognitive functions. Between these, the transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS).

OBJECTIVE:  This research has a primary objective of determining the effect of anodic tDCS in verbal expression and manual dexterity in participants that presented a brain stroke. As secondary objective, it aims to determine the predictor variables of the therapeutic response to the tDCS.

METHODS: the study was approved by the ethics committee under number 71276217.4.0000.5600. This is a cross over clinical trial, evolving individuals with expression disorders (expressive aphasia) and with prejudiced direct manual abilities due to ischemic stroke. Patients with diagnosed motor aphasia from both sexes will be included. These individuals need to present a motor disfunction of the right superior limb and must have had an ischemic stroke over a minimum period of 1 year. The age interval will range from 60 to 80 years, they must have a dominance of the right superior limb and to reside in the metropolitan region of Salvador, Bahia.  A transcranial direct current stimulation will be made by device of the brand TCT Stimulator (TCT Research Limited), this will be equipped with rubber electrodes in sponges soaked in saline solution. The electrodes present dimensions of 5cm and 7cm. This equipment allows the fixation of the direct current at the wanted intensity. A low amperage current (1mA) will be applied at M1, the electrodes will be placed, superficially, on the cranial scalp. The location of these (electrodes) will follow a localization system based on electroencephalogram (EEG) 10/20 (Delamonica, 1984).

RESULTS: Expected Results: Relating to other studies of neuromodulation in ischemic stroke, it is expected to find positive results in relation to the AtDCS over the motor area. The difference of this trial is that it aims to analyze if applying this stimulation in the same area will bring results that demonstrate an increase in the performance of different motor functions.

CONCLUSIONS: This trial aims to enable a better comprehension of the possible role of the M1 area over different cortical functions.

KEYWORDS: transcranial direct current stimulation; aphasia; manual function.