
This is an Official journal of the Principles and Practice of Clinical Research program affiliated to the ECPE Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health and an Official Journal of the Scala Institute Association. Principles and Practice of Clinical Research is an international, peer-reviewed, open-access, online publication related to all aspects of clinical research, from theory to applications, including design, conduct, analysis, ethics, and education of clinical research. The journal also welcomes the submission of methodological papers that contribute to further clinical studies. Principles and Practice of Clinical Research was created to foster the network of clinical researchers and the exchange of ideas. The mission of the journal is to provide a global platform for the dissemination of high-quality research. The journal acknowledges the obstacles to publishing manuscripts in areas with less tradition in research and or with a lack of resources. Thus, we aim to provide as much feedback and assistance as possible to authors from these areas to encourage these scientists to continue pursuing high-quality research. In case of rejection of a manuscript, we would provide detailed feedback and allow a resubmission if the points are addressed. In case the weaknesses are important enough to invalidate the conclusions of the research, we hope that the detailed feedback will be useful to a future clinical study that would provide valid data. We will also welcome authors with trials with negative or invalid results and design to submit a letter to our section on lessons learned from clinical trials to provide future scientists with lessons that would prevent failed clinical studies.

Open access statement

The “Principles and Practice of Clinical Research Journal” (PPCRJ) is a non-profit open-access journal without article processing or submission charges (APC) for authors thanks to the sponsorship of the non-profit organization Scala Institute. PPCRJ applies the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license to the works we publish. This license lets others distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon your work, even commercially, as long as they credit you for the original creation. 
The PPCRJ has the commitment to adhere to the criteria for Transformative Journals as part of the Plan S open access initiative ().
Publisher info  

The “Principles and Practice of Clinical Research Journal” (PPCRJ) is the scientific publication of the non-profit health care educational organization Scala Institute ( as an independent publisher and is also academically affiliated with the Center for Clinical Research Learning and Laboratory of Neuromodulation, Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital (Boston, MA - and with the Principles and Practice of Clinical Research Program (PPCR Program) from ECPE, Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health (Boston, MA -

The journal was founded and is edited by Harvard Medical School and Harvard School of Public Health Professor Felipe Fregni.

Our mission is to create a community of international leaders in clinical research with skills to make progress in treatments for human diseases, and this journal is a tool to achieve that.