The Key Role of Simulation in the Medical Education Learning Process

Main Article Content

Rivadávio Amorim


Dear Colleagues, authors and readers of PPCR It is a great pleasure to release the second issue of Principles and Practice of Clinical Research (PPCR – ISSN 2378-1890). We would like to highlight the importance of our partners, network and especially the author ?s and reviewer ?s commitment. Our main goal is to increase the numbers of articles published per issue. Your collaboration is of utmost importance for the quality of our journal.

In this second issue, I would like to highlight the paper of Jones et al. ( Simulation in Medical Education: Brief history and methodology ) (2). As Prof Felipe Fregni (Editor-in-Chief) mentioned in the previous editorial, the overarching objective of this journal is to provide a high quality platform for articles covering a wide spectrum of clinical research topics, ranging from clinical experiment designs to outcomes of clinical trials as well as novel educational strategies. Jones et al. performed a comprehensive review about simulation-based medical education, which can be a valuable instrument for improving the medical ?s performance and promoting an appropriate atmosphere for developing knowledge and acquiring medical expertise. The possibility of having constant feedback and practicing several skills is unquestionably a powerful way to enhance confidence and prevent medical errors. Moreover, as mentioned by the authors, “simulation also has unique features, such as the ability of being tailored to train technical skills or other abilities and attitudes such as teamwork, communication skills and leadership, as well as being a reliable assessment method through Objective Structured Clinical Examination - OSCE” (2).

Once again, our journal also aims to foster a consortium for training clinical researchers to publish high quality work. Hence, we encourage researchers, professors and clinicians to submit their work to the journal. We look forward to receiving your manuscript for the upcoming editions.
Warm regards!

Article Details

How to Cite
The Key Role of Simulation in the Medical Education Learning Process. (2015). Principles and Practice of Clinical Research, 1(2).
Notes from the Editors

How to Cite

The Key Role of Simulation in the Medical Education Learning Process. (2015). Principles and Practice of Clinical Research, 1(2).

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