Letter in response to: A Practical Guide to Perform a Systematic Literature Review and Meta-analysis

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Kirsten Elliott


This letter is a response to a guide to performing systematic reviews which points out several significant problems with the advice given and calls for retraction or extensive revision of that article.

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How to Cite
Letter in response to: A Practical Guide to Perform a Systematic Literature Review and Meta-analysis. (2023). Principles and Practice of Clinical Research, 8(4). https://doi.org/10.21801/ppcrj.2022.84.3
Letter to the editor

How to Cite

Letter in response to: A Practical Guide to Perform a Systematic Literature Review and Meta-analysis. (2023). Principles and Practice of Clinical Research, 8(4). https://doi.org/10.21801/ppcrj.2022.84.3

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